
Different methods are available on the graph objects to create a node.

Creating a single node

You can simply call node with the identifier of the node you want to create:

$graph = new Graphviz\Digraph();


Rendering of the code above

This method returns the Graph object, so you can chain multiple calls:

$graph = new Graphviz\Digraph();


Rendering of the code above

Passing attributes to a node

To provide attributes to a node, pass them as a second array to this method with an association between the parameter names and the parameter values:

$graph = new Graphviz\Digraph();

$graph->node('foo', [
    'shape' => 'record',
    'label' => 'This is the label of the node'

Rendering of the code above

Creating multiple nodes

A method named nodes is available for you to create multiple nodes at once:

$graph = new Graphviz\Digraph();

$graph->nodes(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);

Rendering of the code above

You can pass attributes to a node by providing it an associative array:

$graph = new Graphviz\Digraph();

    'bar' => ['shape' => 'record'],

Rendering of the code above

The Node object

The node method is fluid, meaning it returns the Graph object so that you can chain multiple calls. But you can also call the beginNode method, so that you have the object for manipulation:

$graph = new Graphviz\Digraph();
$node = $graph->beginNode('foo');

# Set a value
$node->attribute('shape', 'record');
$node->attribute('label', 'This is the label');

# Get a value
$value = $node->getAttribute('shape');

Rendering of the code above

Accessing an existing Node object

If you already added a Node to your graph, you can access it, given you have its identifier, using the get method:

$graph = new Graphviz\Digraph();

$foo = $graph->get('foo');
$foo->attribute('shape', 'record');

Rendering of the code above