Setting attributes

Graph attributes

To define an attribute on your graph, use the set method:

# Directed graph
$graph = new Graphviz\Digraph();
$graph->set('bgcolor', 'red');
$graph->nodes(['foo', 'bar']);

Rendering of the code above

Node, edge, and graph attributes

The DOT language allows you to define attributes that are used for all the following nodes, edges, or for the current graph:

# Directed graph
$graph = new Graphviz\Digraph();
    ->attr('node', ['style' => 'filled', 'fillcolor' => 'yellow'])
    ->attr('edge', ['color' => 'blue'])
    ->nodes(['foo', 'bar'])
        ->attr('graph', ['bgcolor' => 'green'])
        ->nodes(['A', 'B', 'C'])
    ->edge(['foo', 'B'])
    ->edge(['bar', 'C'])

Rendering of the code above